Now you can buy video

Apple has been steadily adding new
retailers to the list of Apple Pay
supporters since the service debuted,
and the latest slew will let you buy
phones, video games and tasty subs
with your iPhone 6 (and your Apple
Watch, soon).
The company updated its Apple Pay
hub this week with the new retailers:
T-Mobile, GameStop, Firehouse Subs,
Acme, Davis Food & Drug, Luby's, and
Also new is one more NBA arena: in
addition to the Orlando Magics' Amway
Center and the Golden State Warriors'
Oracle Arena, iPhone users can now
check out with Apple Pay at the
Phoenix Suns' US Airways Center.
You may have struggled at first to find
retailers that accepted Apple Pay, but
the list is growing every month. And by
all account the service is doing well.
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