You can film forever on this self-powered camera

A prototype camera that powers itself from the light coming
in through the lens has been built by researchers at
Columbia University.
Normal cameras work using photodiodes - semiconductors
that convert light into current. Photovoltaic cells used in
solar panels work in a very similar way, but instead of using
the current as information to build a picture, it's collected up
and then sent onward. The two processes are similar
enough that the Columbia team were able to build a sensor
that can alternate between both tasks, and they claim it's
the first of its kind.
"A few different designs for image sensors that can harvest
energy have been proposed in the past," Shree K. Nayar, the
professor who led the team, said in a press release about
the project. "However, our prototype is the first
demonstration of a fully self-powered video camera."
Here's a sample of the output:
YouTube :
The researchers used off-the-shelf components to build an
image sensor measuring 30 x 40 pixels (a paltry 0.0012
megapixels), which they housed in a 3D printed body. When
the shutter is pressed, the pixels are first used to record the
image in front of them then switched to a mode that
harvests energy to charge the sensor's power supply - a
small capacity.
That power supply could also theoretically be used to
charge a rechargeable battery for a phone or smartwatch.
While the resulting video from the camera isn't too
impressive (in fact it's more scary than anything), if the
technology is further developed them the applications are
huge. CCTV, industrial monitoring, agriculture, wearable
technology and other connected devices could all benefit -
not to mention the camera industry themselves.
One day, your DSLR might never run out of batteries again.

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