Nick Cannon uses his iPhone to tweet an ad for the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6

If you ask us, the handset manufacturers and carriers have
one thing terribly wrong with their marketing. They love to
hand out freebies to celebrities who wouldn't know a well
spec'd handset if one bit them on the derriere. Companies
that produce handsets, mobile operators and their marketing
firms think that if someone famous is seen on social media
talking about a free phone they have been handed, the whole
world will want to purchase that model. Instead, they should
be giving the free phones to people who actually can tell the
difference between a premium smartphone and a lemon.
Those are the people who know how to express to other
smartphone fanatics how great a new handset is, and why.
The latest lame attempt at a celebrity endorsement comes
from T-Mobile. Last we checked, the Samsung Galaxy S6
and Samsung Galaxy S6 edge don't seem to require any
help in the sales department , but the carrier decided that it
would be cool to give a Galaxy S6 to Nick Cannon. Now, we
don't know Mr. Cannon and he seems to be a good guy, but
we wonder how much he really knows about smartphones
and Twitter.
In the course of singing his praises of the Galaxy S6 he
received from T-Mobile, Cannon sent out a tweet on Friday
evening that thanked T-Mobile for the device and said that
"the camera on this phone is insane. " And that might have
seemed like a genuine thought from the comedian except
that it was negated by the hashtag #ad that immediately
followed it. And to make matters worse, the tweet clearly
revealed that it was sent via Cannon's iPhone.
Here's a thought directed at any company looking to sell
more smartphones. Instead of using a celebrity pitchman
for your next campaign, why not have real smartphone
fanatics push your product. They know more about
smartphones, are very passionate about the subject, and if
they love your product, it will show.

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